Your help is needed!

Dear Reader,

I wanted to come back into your box today to try to start a connection again... I seriously want to get to know you...And for you to know me...

So to be fair here is something about me...As I enter with you into 2025, I take a look at my life and where I went wrong and right...but honestly I need your feedback to help guide me continue...

I am not blaming anyone, I've obviously failed somewhere but cannot for the life of me see where...

I was born on Long Island, NY, here's a story for you, when I was about 4 or 5 my parents were working and I was fortunate to have been left in the care of my grandparents, aunt, and cousin. My grandfather who was a locksmith at the time had to go on a job and my grandmother went with him. My aunt was going to stay home with my cousin Jennifer. I was given the choice of going with my grandparents or staying home with my cousin (my cousin was three years older than me, she was more like a sister. This by the way happened not a foot away from where I sit writing this email. When I said I wanted to stay home and play with my cousin my aunt and cousin literally told me they didn't want me there with them. They made me cry! My grandparents felt bad and got me (the homebody I was and am) to go with them. Don't get me wrong I loved my grandparents with all my heart, but staying home with Jennifer who was closest to my age and someone I felt I could play with was important to me. Can I mention about a year later Jennifer's mother ( my other ex-aunt) uprooted Jennifer and sent her to Bermuda to live with a stranger- I lost my cousin with the few times she came to visit over the years- I can count the times on my fingers and have fingers still left over. At 4-5 years old, I often asked God and others for answers what did I do wrong?

Am I just being blind to something I am doing wrong? Am I just not having another faith in God? Don't get me wrong I love all my animals- the ones I can always depend on, I love my family, and I try to improve myself every chance I get from high school to college, to grad school, working entry-level positions, serving my country in the military while holding the highest security clearance in the land. I reach out to others compliment them and being nice to others, I let them start the conversation topic and go with it unless I wait for an extended period in which case I choose the topic carefully- usually animal-related.

I need help deciding how I can go on. Here in America every day 22 veterans take their life. I am afraid if something doesn't happen for me I will be number 23! I need to find my purpose. I've failed at everything I've ever done and I want to take my education, passion, skills, and talents and find my purpose.

Here are my passions: Photography ( I wanted to be the next Margaret Bourke- White or William Wegman), Writing ( I am a blogger and published author), I have a passion for working out with my dogs (running, walking, Agility, Doga, and more- I even became a doga instructor under the guidance of Doga founder Suzi Teitelman)...

I need your feedback- your honesty is so important to me in these times. You can email me at

Thank You,

Have a happy and healthy tail-wagging day,

Pamela the All-American Dog Runner Girl and her All-American Dog Pack