Happy New Year 2025!
Dear Reader Hey everyone first let me say Happy New Year! WOW 2025! What a great year it is going to be to be alive, right? I see a lot of new and exciting things happening. But first I want to take this time to start a daily email coming to you from me, I want to tell you about me while I hopefully get to know you....Don't worry there will be some freebies I will be creating and offering you...as I try to finish my book- to align with the (and excuse me while I get a little political here, Robert F Kennedy Jr's MAHA movement!) You see as a health coach and a dog obedience trainer, I am committed to helping others to live happier and healthier lives. However, despite trying to use SEO and social media- I've done something wrong and my communication process was off. Yet, others around me have taken things I've said and done and profited themselves from my ideas?!?!? Ok, it was on me- I've been communicating wrong I get it. This is where you come in I need your help as my small tribe of people for whatever reason signing up to be on my list on your part- I never added anyone myself to my list- NEVER! I want to know about you and how you communicate effectively with others...what do you say in emails, texts, phone calls, in person, or social media to spark that oh-so-wanted communication? I am missing something...Ok, I'll say it I MISSED THE BOAT on this one! HELP! You to me are the expert and I need to learn from you, so drop me a line at pamela@doggonehealthychoices.com...put the subject line as "communication help!" Ok, as promised here is some information about me.... My name is Pamela Schmidlin, I live on Long Island, NY just east of Manhattan (ok exactly 50 miles from the tunnel). I have been a US Army Veteran since 1998, I was discharged with an Other than Honorable discharge NOT DISHONORABLE! Having held a Top Secret/ SCI Clearance security clearance and not having it taken away from me- let me hold onto it for two years after my discharge must tell you something. I have a few dozen higher-ranking people asking me am sure I want to leave the army instead of terminating my service?!?!? When Gaetz stepped down from his position I got it, the distraction is not worth it in his life or the government! So I support Matt Gaetz for his decision because I GOT him immediately- the media had a field day with him and it was distracting from the missions that needed to be completed! Ok, that was just a little to explain about what I felt like back in the day. The hurt and pain were honestly done to me on paper and I am still to this day working on fixing my life. I call it a "paper rape", because essentially it was! Ok, that was an earful today on me! (or EYE, LOL! Allow me to leave you with a New Year's Greeting from my pack and myself we made specially for you..... I also want to offer up a freebie it's freebie to help you and your dog start a calm new year and start communicating with your dog the right way- yep some training which will help with bonding and communicating together is in this PDF... Email me and tell me what you think, I am dying inside to hear from you.....
Thank you and until tomorrow keep your emails coming as you start your happy, healthy tail-wagging year, Pam the All-American Dog Runner and her All-American Dog Pack (Scout, Liberty, and Freedom) |